Saturday, July 10, 2010

Setting Up Home Wireless Network

Setting up home wireless network – Introduction
Thinking of setting up home wireless network?
Everyone has gone digital today with all our music, photographs & videos stored on our home PCs.
They can do a lot more today with our PCs such as video editing, creation of picture collages, playing online games etc.
Setting up a home wireless network gives us the chance to ‘share it all’ with our relatives & friends.
Setting up a home wireless network needn’t be intimidating & the benefits are immense.

Setting up home wireless network – Router

In case you already have a broadband web connection, adding a wireless router will let you not only share your web connection with all of your home PCs & laptops but also the built in router switch & wireless access point will permit your home PCs to communicate directly with one another allowing the instant sharing of all of your music, video, photographs & other media.
Not only that but the wireless routers built in hardware firewall & wireless information encryption will protect all of your PCs & laptops from online threats & someone trying to break in to your wireless home network.
Wireless allows our whole home PCs, laptops & other digital wireless devices to link up wherever they are in & around our home - all without the mess & nuisance of wires.
Setting up a home wireless network will also enable you to build a wireless home media network allowing you to stream video & music around your home & to your home TV!

Setting up home wireless network – Printer sharing
Another use for your home wireless network is the sharing of a wired or wireless printer connected to one of your home PCs or even better, direct to your router by a print server which won't need you to leave a PC on.
A wireless printer could be placed anywhere allowing you to situate it conveniently for all to make use of or to keep your home tidy & tidy by tucking it out of the way.

Setting up home wireless network – Simple backup
The addition of a NAS (Network Attached Storage) tool can act as a file server so that someone on your home network can access files & media at any time without relying on one or more PCs being permanently powered on by backing up all files to one convenient place.
These babies are less expensive to run than a PC & can be left powered up on your network with all of your PCs & laptops etc having direct access to files & media by your home wireless network.
Hey, you can also get them with a built in print server!
A NAS will permit you the freedom & convenience of storing all of your music & video in one available ‘on demand’ place with a music or video streaming tool connected to your home entertainment process & your wireless network providing instant access to your media.
A NAS will also make the technique of file & information backup a snap!

Setting up home wireless network – Wireless gambling
Connect up your games consoles !
Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation – these can all be connected up to your home wireless network basically & the Xbox 360 & Playstation can streaming music & video ‘as is’ with small setting up to do.

Setting up home wireless network – It’s so simple!
On this site you will find all you require to know for setting up a home wireless network that require not cost the earth & is speedy & simple to do – the advent of wireless has made it all a lot simpler for someone to set up a home wireless network.
You’ll find help here with setting up, troubleshooting, security etc & all in simple terms with clear instructions & accompanying pics.
Most PCs & usually all laptops today will come with built in network capabilities.
Laptops ought to all have wireless capabilities built in & desktop PCs will usually have on-board wired Ethernet LAN capabilities & sometimes wireless capabilities .
Older laptops may not have these wireless capabilities built-in but not to worry, its simple to add this function & they show you how on this site with clear simple instructions.
Likewise they show you how to add wireless capabilities to a desktop PC enabling every PC & laptop computer in your home to join in the fun!
Windows XP, Vista & Windows 7 are all geared towards the simple set up of a wireless network (Windows XP will require Service Packs 2 & 3 installed & Windows Vista ought to have Service Pack 1 installed prior to setting up) & you will find all you require to know to set up your wireless router & wireless network adapters within this site.

Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta 1 released

It’s released! You can now download Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta 1, check it and send your valuable suggestions to shape it to a full-fledged commercial product. This Beta 1 will give you the first impression of the new Firefox with more Beta versions in pipe. According to a media document, you may expect a new Firefox 4 Beta on every six to six weeks for next couple of weeks.
In an appeal to application users and developers, Mozilla has requested to send them after-use feedbacks so that they can implement those observations and suggestions in their final product. Six times you download Firefox 4 Beta 1, automatically you become a part of the Beta program and become eligible to get regular updates from Mozilla.
For Windows PCs, the browser brings an-all new look with greater flexibility to explore your web page. You will notice tabs here are shifted at the top allowing you to have greater control on the tools in your browser. In case of Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you will find only a single Firefox button in lieu of lengthy Menu bar. This is done fundamentally to make the browser compatible with the design of these six Windows platforms. The beta will support WebM format .
The beta offers a series of new useful tools and features such as New Add-Ons Manager to manage Add-Ons, Themes and Plugins; HD Video permitting to enjoy HD-quality HTML5 video on YouTube; Crash Protection allowing to resume browsing basically by refreshing a crashed plugin session; Enhanced privacy; and Improved performance.
You can download the Firefox 4 Beta 1 from here.

10 Technologies That Will Rock 2010

Looking back at 2009, we can say that it was the most interesting time in the web technology ( despite the harsh economy). The year 2009 boosted the potential of mobile gadgets and its value in today’s networked society. We can call it the rise of social awareness of networking and communicating.
So when we look ahead in 2010, we will see that the innovation has just begun. So here are the lists of technologies, which I think, will rock the year 2010. Most of the technologies that will be mentioned are related to online media and the Internet.
1. Apple’s Tablet

The noises and speculations are too high to ignore the presence of Apple’s Tablet. If all the rumors are authentic and, if by all means, Apple launches the iSlate on 25th January, then it’s going to be the thing to talk about in 2010.
We must admit that a tablet is a concept that has been around us for a very long time. But it is still not the consumer device that people would die for. But after the increase in sales and demands of Amazon Kindle and Nook, the market is pretty sure that a tablet is soon to be the device to have. So at this time, if Apple can bring the device with the interface that people are looking for then that’s it – We have our new iPOD. It is not a biased statement, but a truth in some way.
The reason that I say is because Online Reading is something that every Internet users do and Tablet provides the best way to consume the Internet content. Though we might still be working on a Laptop, Tablet will be the way to consume digital content.
2. Net Phone

We are already seeing the importance of Google Voice, which many Americans have enjoyed. We already have a software like Skype which allows you to communicate through the internet data line.
This demonstrates that people are still comfortable with voice communication and it is not going to die. We would still want to call our friends and families and communicate. Hence, we might see more advancement in VOIP technology.
Though mobile network providers would have to play a hard battle with the VOIP services, the conflict between these two models will end once we have more and more VOIP services running in our mobile devices.
3. Net Neutrality
The rise of Smart phone have suddenly put a lot of pressure on the mobile network providers. The online content consumption and communication have stressed out the network providers. One of the prominent example is the failure of AT&T to meet the iPhone’s demand. This have forced the content providers and distributors into two opposite poles.
Content providers like Google (You Tube for video content) consumes a lot of bandwidth. This is not good for the network providers because they have to face the burden of handling the requests. On the other hand, content providers don’t have to pay anything to the distributors. As a result, Network providers would have to increased their fees. Now, this brings a great conflict between the consumers, the providers and the distributors.
Net neutrality is all about giving full access to the Internet without any restrictions. But we still need to see some agreement  between the providers and the distributors. Hence, we might be able to see some breakthroughs on Net Neutrality in 2010 which would solve the current problems.
4. Social Profile Management(Advanced Analytics)
Online Social Networking sites have blasted the news channel on each opportunities in 2009 and it will continue to do so in 2010. More and more real time contents would be distributed online and consumed by people. Online networking will see more than just sharing information.
2009 had an overwhelming reaction towards social media which created a lot of junk in the Internet. Currently, information’s and contents go to waste and don’t make their way toward the targeted audiences.
2010 will see a revolution towards social profile management with advance analytics. This will be applying spam control over your networks and strengthening the efficiency of your network connections. As sites like Linked In, Twitter and Face book are used in professional hiring, Profile search will also be a big thing. Social network provides a best way to reach out to potential businesses. Hence search (not for content) but for people should be big. Social profile management with advance analytics will be the next big thing for social networks
5. Virtualization
Client desktop computing is surely the new way towards connecting people to offices. Virtual desktops or Virtual machines will soon be employed in many offices providing better flexibility to hardware and software selection.
This will reduce the hardware cost of servers and desktops and CPU maintenance in office. This will also reduce the cost of software’s as most will be deployed in the virtual machines. This is a key to cutting costs, lowering complexity, as well as increasing agility as needs shift.
6. Online TV
You Tube and other online video sharing sites have almost killed Television. The new generations prefer Internet over TV channels. As with the music industry, TV channels have understood that going online is the only way towards future and they have to jump into this bandwagon before it’s too late.
There are already many commercial channels shifting their attention from TV to You tube or other sites like Hulu. Further, Google have already announced its paid content over Youtube and the new video advertising technology.
Along with TV, advertising also has to make its way to the eco-system and we already know of many rumors over Apple and Google coming with ways to prevent viewers from skipping the ads. This provides great opportunity for TV Channels to enter into the Internet. Hence 2010 will certainly see hand and hand cooperation of the Internet providers and the Online TV channels.
7. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing will be the new way of doing business over the internet. It will be more of virtual resources management, where company can optimize his/her resources according to needs and dynamic adoption to changes. This will allow companies to greatly enhance their products and services. Cloud computing will also leverage the potential of web applications in the Internet and we might be seeing some great online applications for users and also enterprise solutions.
8. Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality is going to blow people’s mind in 2010. With the help of mobile computing, GPS  technology, mobile camera and Google maps, mobile applications are going to have much more power to bring the experience to the user than in past.
Further, the core of the technology will be the mobile camera and the placement of processed information on top of live streaming contents from the camera.
We are already seeing some of it with mobile GPS applications, but 2010 will clearly put these applications on the top shelf of mobile apps. This will allow users to get information by integrating physical reality and virtual world.
9. Online Microsoft Office
Microsoft did face a lot of failures in 2009, starting with its slow rise of Bing and failure of Windows Mobile 6.5. So 2009 was not the year for Microsoft, but we could expect more from Microsoft in 2010. It’s Windows 7 have received good reviews, hence in 2010 we may get to read more about it. Windows Mobile 7 is also on its way, it might help Microsoft gain over their Smart phone market share.
But above all, we might get to read about Microsoft’s online OS. With the strength of today’s computing power over the Internet, the time is right for Online Office Suite. We have already seen the success of the Google Docs, so the speculation is high for Online Office. Hopefully this will reduce their cost and avoid nagging updates. The new competition is obviously on the Internet.
10. Mobile Transaction (Mobile Banking)
We surely need to get rid of credit cards and debit cards. They have already become less attractive in terms of monetary transaction. Once mobile phones start handling our financial details, we will see a huge potential for mobile transactions and mobile banking.
Mobile application builders have already started making applications for enterprise solution by adopting enterprise protocol. For mobile banking and transactions to be successful we need an enterprise solution over the mobile network, similar to Rim’s Blackberry, which will confirm security over the mobile transaction.
The year 2010 will certainly see the glimpse of future’s monetary transaction.