Sunday, June 5, 2011

Remove your Unknown Administrator Password Without Using Any Software.

Method first:
1. At first, remove your hard disk from your computer and put it in any another computer.
2. Then, boot that computer and use your hard disk as a secondary device.
Note: Don’t use your hard disk as a primary device.
3. After that, open that drive in which your window is installed for example if your window is installed in C: then, open C:
4. Go to following location.
5. And after this process, delete the SAM.exe and SAM.log.
6. Now, remove your hard disk from that computer and put it in your computer and after that boot your computer and now, your will see, your Administrator’s password removed.

Method second:
1. This is the second process to do that. So, at first start your system and continue press f8 before windows is starting up. After that, you can enter in Safe Mode or you will see Safe Mode window.
Note: After that, choose Administrator, you will enter into doc command as following if you don’t set default administrator password before.
2. Then, type” net user net user xxx 12763 /add” where, xxx refers locked account name and 12763 is the new password set on this account and then you will find the command successfully completed.

Method third:
1. This is the last one tip to remove administrator password. It will work if your hard drive is only in FAT file system otherwise it doesn’t work. So, boot up your system with dos and delete SAM.exe and SAM.log files from windows/system32/config and now, when you boot up in NT you will find your administrator password blank.