Monday, November 8, 2010

Put Your Facebook Friends Into Categories By Adding Them To A Facebook Friends List

When I started to get too many Facebook friends I started to wonder how I would remember who they were and why I became their friend in the first place. It’s not like the real world you know. I have random friends that I have never even spoken to but have something in common with me.
I thought about culling my Facebook friends down to a manageable size, but that’s mean. Who would I choose to boot out? I couldn’t handle getting asked “why aren’t we friends anymore?” OMG I am glad this is not a face to face friend saying this to me. Anyway, just because these people are not in my real life and will not be invited to a BBQ at my house, unfriending them could still hurt their feelings. Therefore I decided to put my friends into categories by adding them to a particular list on Facebook.

How to add a Facebook friend to a list to categorize them?

Sorry if this sounds like herding cattle, or turning your friends into numbers, some things just must be done.
1.  When you find a new friend and click on “Add as a friend” a box will appear. See below.
facebook friend category list
2.  Click on the Add to list button and a drop down menu will appear.
3.  If you do not have any friend lists then it will ask you to create one.
4.  If you have lists you can simply click on one to add this new friend to it.
5.  Click on Add a personal message to write a quick note to the person to let them know why you are requesting to be their friend.
6.  Now click on the Send Request.
7.  If this person accepts your friend request they will be added to the friend list you chose earlier.
8.  If they do not accept your friend request nothing will happen.

Facebook smiley faces on chat – Add a smiley face to Facebook chat

If you are into chatting on Facebook and communicating your lungs out without actually speaking then this Facebook chat trick is for you. I personally do not chat on Facebook but I know both my daughters are clearly engaged with anything to do with this website. In fact I never see my children and if I want to get them to do something I need to contact them on Facebook.  What is the world coming to?
Anyway that is enough of my opinion and lets get onto the cool smiley face tricks for chatting on Facebook. You will notice that these smileys codes are kind of similar to forum smiley code.
Facebook chat trick – add a smiley face to your Facebook chat. These codes do not come up properly on this Website so I have posted the true list on the forum.
:) smile, much better in real life though…
:( sad face, how can be sad you are on Facebook? Get over it!
:D really happy, its really sad that you are really happy about this…
;) wink, sleazy..don’t use it!!
^_^ happy eye face, ok whatever..
>:-( grumpy face, maybe you would be happier if you were getting some vitamin :D …?
:3 cat face, why would you want this?
:’( crying face, how embarrassing, do you want attention?
:o shocked face, I was shocked too when I found out that you could look so shocked!
8) glass face, hmmm..don’t crack a smile then..
B) same as above, oh how boring, this one is a copycat!
8-| cool shades, we all want to be cool.. that is why we are on Facebook..
:P rude face, I know someone that cried when they saw this..
.O.o woot!, we won’t even go there…It’s all too much for me.
-_- dork face, you shouldn’t pick on people, even online…
:/ duhh, like saying I told you so, or you are an idiot, or your brainless..
<(“) peguin, please tell me why you would want to use this..Does it mean anything to you?
(^^^) jaws, same as the penquin thing…WT??
3:) devil, this is when you have been naughty? Hope my kids are not using this one!
O:) angel, only good people can use this, otherwise the Facebook Gods will get you..
:* kiss face, you can kiss all you want on Facebook, just not in real life!
<3 heart, this is a cute one so I will not bag it out…
:v pacman, how 80′s is that? Didn’t pacman die with the Atari?
|] robot, don’t get this one, I guess you will just have to try it.
:putnam: guys face, who cares…we have profile pictures you know..