Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wibree:The Bluetooh Killing Technology

Wibree is a wireless technology for mobiles,laptops,watches for short distance communication.Its development was started by nokia in 2001 to bring an alternative to bluetooth technology.The research was by published in 2004 with the name “Bluetooth Low End Extension” .It was publicaly released in 2006 by nokia.The main purpose for introducing wibree was to create a wireless technology that consumes less energy ,more efficient and cheaper then bluetooth.As most of devices nowdays,uses the bluetooth chip the compatibility with chip was also a big requirement.Now here we will compare both bluetooth and wibree and see in what are the advantages of wibree over bluetooth.
Wibree is cheaper then the bluetooth wireless communication.It consumes less power that’s why it was named as “ Bluetooth Low End Extension “.It was built using and enhancing bluetooth features.Wibree can be integrated on the bluetooth chip.Wibree uses a small transceiver of 2.4 MHz with a physical layer of Mbs.
In December 2009 an agreement is reached between Nokia and the bluetooth manufacturing group SIG that they will add the wibree technology in Bluetooth v4.0 .The shipment of bluetooh v4.0 is expected to be started in and around the end of the calender year 2010.

Tricks To Convert Keyboard Into Live Disco

This is a real funny trick with which you can amuse you friends.It doesnot require any programming skills on your part.This trick will make your keyboard LED’s blink like disco lights.This method is based on an a vb script.The blinking of the lights will continue until and unless you stop it.This looks more fascinating in the dark as the keyboard led’s are very small.OK,now here is the step by step tutorial with screenshots on how to convert your keyboard into Live disco.
1.Open notepad.You can open notepad by doing a right click on your desktop and then new->text document.
2.Copy and paste the code below into the notepad

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

3.Save the file with name disco.vbs
4.Double click on the saved file and your keyboard Led’s will start blinking like disco lights.
5.To stop the disco lights open task manager.You can open task manager by doing a right click on your taskbar and then selecting task manager.
6.Now locate wscript.exe and select it.Click on “ End Process “.
106714200801311  Tricks To Convert Keyboard Into Live Disco