Monday, July 5, 2010

What are Viruses and bacteria? How They affect the Computer?

Virus: A Computer virus is a programme that can infect other programmes by modifying them. A Copy Of virus can deamge a number of programmes. A Virus is like Other programmes. The Only Difference is that it attaches itself to anothor programme and executes secretly every time the host programme is executed. Avisrus has many stages of activity like a dormant phase, propagation phase, triggering phase and execution phase

Worm : A network virus is know as worm. They spread continously from system to sytem. Network Viruses are Difficult to remove.

Bacteria: The bacteria are programmes that do not explicitly demage any file. They replicate or make a large number of copies of rheir own occupy the processor capacity to block the use by the user.

Brain Virus: Brain Virus Was First Virus Developed by the two Pakistani Brothers.

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