Sunday, June 27, 2010

Interesting facts about Microsoft

As the world knows it,Microsoft is the largest software organization on the planet and  also the organization of the richest man Bill Gates.Over the years Microsoft has experienced a lot of good times and a few bad ones. I have tried to outline some interesting facts and events here and i hope its fun to read and look back into the history of Microsoft. Here it goes:
1. Nobody can create a folder named “Con”.
Try to create anywhere on your hard disk a folder called “Con” (without the quotes). Go to a location on your hard disk, right click, choose “New” and then select “Folder” from the menu that appears. Name the folder “Con” (without quotes) and hit Enter. You’ll see that the folder won’t be named “Con“. It will be “New folder”
This is because:
In windows the folder name and the special system variables share the same interface, so when you create a folder with a system variable name it will consider that folder already exist!!
these special system variables are available irrespective of path
You cannot create a folder with these names also:
CON, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3,COM1 to COM9 and LPT1 to LPT9....
CON means console, COM1 means serial port 1, LPT1 means parallel port 1

2. A text file made with Notepad, with the following content : “Bush hid the facts” (without quotes) won’t display the actual text.
Go to Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad . Write in Notepad the following text : “Bush hid the facts” (without quotes) then Save the file and exit Notepad. Now go to the text file you created and open it. You’ll see that the text you just wrote and save won’t show. 

3. Write in Word this : “=rand(200,99)” (without the quotes) and witness the magic.
Open Microsoft Word and on the first line write : “=rand(200,99)” (without the quotes)  and hit Enter. Magic in the making.

Some More Interesting Facts About Microsoft

1.Founders of microsoft,Bill gates and Paul Allen were teen hackers and they once hacked a seattle security system.

2.The first company founded by Gates and Allen was Traff-O-Data and it analyzed data traffic

3.In 1977 Bill Gates was arrested in mexico for running a red light and driving without a drivers licence

4.Bill Gates told Forbes that he didn't just drop out of Harvard,he sed he went on to find Microsoft.

5.Microsoft was founded in new Mexico in 1975,it moved to Bellevue in 1979 and settled in Redmond in 1986

6.Microsoft was initilally Micro-soft.The hyphen was removed in 1976, thus Microsoft.

7.Steve Ballmer, the now member of the board of the directors of Microsoft,finished Harvard, dropped out of his graduate program in Stanford and went on to join Microsoft as the 24th employee.

8.First customer of Microsoft, Micro Telemetry and Instrumentation System bought Altair Basic,a program written by Gates and Allen while Gateswas in college.

9.The total revenue pulled by microsoft in its first year was only $16000.Four years later it was pulling in an annual revenue of 1 million.

10.Microsoft bought a program called QDOS(Quick and Dirty operating system) in 1981 for $50000 and renamed it as MS-DOS.Then it was licensed to IBM as a software for the first IBM PC.

11.Gates once claimed that microsoft would never sell a 32 bit operating system. But the most popular windows 7 is a 64 bit operating system.

12.Vista's delayed delivery was nothing new. Windows 1.0 launched in 1985 was delayed by 2 years.  

13.At least two other graphical user interfaces from VSIsoft and digital research INC beat windows to the market.

14.3Before the marketing people got hold of it,Microsoft was going to be called Interface Manager.

15.Winver 1.4,the first virus to affect Microsoft was unleashed in 1992.

16.Microsoft has been manufacturing hardware since 1983, when it introduced the Microsoft mouse 1.0.

17.Apple tried to sue Microsoft in 1985 and 1988 out of existence for stealing drop down menus,tiled windows and mouse devices.

18.Part of Microsoft's winning defense: many of its ideas were developed by XEROX and predated the MAc

19.In 2004 windows Guru Jim Allchin wrote "We lost our way" in developing what would eventually become Vista

20.Allchin also wrote "I would buy a Mac if i was not working at Microsoft"

21.Microsoft launched its first website in 1993 for support services previously available on a CompuServe forum

22.Paul Allen retired from Microsoft in 1983 as a result of his battle with hodgkins disease.

23.Through his company Vulcan Inc Paul Allen has invested heavily in technology research,philantrophy and even the search for extra terrestrial life

24.Allen owns the NBA's Portland trailBlazers,the NFL's Seattle Seahawks and the Seattle Sounders FC professional soccer  franchise

25.Microsoft's stock went public at $21 per share in 1986.Dividents have been paid since 2003.

26.Bill Gates became a Billionaire at the age of 31,just a year after the IPO

27.Microsoft's stock has split a total of nine times since its stock went public in 1986.

28.In 1999 Bill Gates became the first American with 100 billion in assets.

29.Steve Ballmer was the first ever person who was not a company founder to become a billionaire off of stock options

30.In April 2009 Microsoft reported its first loss in 23 years.

31.Douglas Coupland's novel Microserfs,documents tech culture in the pre web days.

32.Microsoft has acquired over 150 companies in its 34 year history

33.Microsoft's first acquisition was forethought, the company that designed what would later become "The Powerpoint" in 1987.

34.Microsoft's largest acquisition was in 2007 when it snatched up the digital marketing firm aQuantive for $6.3 billion.

35.Microsoft's headcount has nearly tripled since 1999.

36.Microsoft's workforce is little over 75% male.

37.Full timers have called temps "dash trash" for the dash that precedes the name in their assigned Microsoft email address

38.Microsoft's policy of hiring "permatemps" shaped IRS policy;in 1996,payroll taxes were increased for longtime temps.

39.Microsofts real state portfolio totals over 14 million square feet most of it in the Puget Sound Area.

40.Bill Gates is a knight(sans shining armor).The queen of England bestowed him with an honorary knighthood in 2005.

41.Started in 1991 Microsoft Research has grown to employ 850 researchers with 850 researchers,with 55 areas of study and its  labs worldwide.

42.Microsofts accessible technology group makes computers easier to use for people with disabillities.

43.Microsoft's legal department is currently defending more than 50 patent infringements cases-10 to go to trial next year

44.Microsoft spends almost half of its legal budget on patent cases, this year it announced its 10000th patent

45.The dollar 2.8 billion in grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation last year totalled the GDP of more than 25 countries worldwide.

46.The US-based company Microsoft has become one of the world's top companies and the uncontested global leader in software due  to its two star products: the Windows operating system and Microsoft Office.

47.Microsoft has long been considered a champion of innovation since it was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates, who left the company  this year in June.

48.The software major currently faces steep competition from Internet giant Google which has mounted a massive challenge to

49.Microsoft's dominance by launching a series of free Internet software products last year.

50.Microsoft was created on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Its headquarters are located in Redmond, Washington in  the northwestern United States. The company has locations in 104 countries and employs 80,000 people, 60 percent of whom work   in the United States.

51.Microsoft's Windows runs on more than 90 per cent of the world's personal computers, which means it is used on nearly a  billion machines worldwide. Microsoft Office, which includes applications such as Word and Excel, also has captured around 90 per cent of the office software market.

52.Microsoft has regularly faced antitrust accusations, and was forced to pay a record fine of 497 million euros by the European.

53.Commission, which imposed the fine in March 2004 and saw it upheld in September 2007.

54.Products Microsoft has developed include portals and search engines on MSN Internet, in television with the MSNBC news  channel and website, the online edition of the encyclopedia Encarta and in products such as the Microsoft mouse, the personal   music player Zune and the Xbox game console, one of the highest selling in the world.

55.With shares being traded since March 13, 1986, Microsoft has the third highest stock market capitalisation in the United  States with 270 billion dollars, far ahead of its rivals Google, IBM and Apple.

56.Microsoft posted 51.12 billion dollars in sales for the fiscal year 2006-2007 and net profits of 14.07 billion dollars and  aims to sell 60 billion dollars worth of goods in the present cycle.

M.A.X. 2 Cheats

Enter the following case sensitive codes (including the bracket characters but NOT the quotes) to activate the corresponding cheat function. These codes only work in Single-Player mode and if activated in Multiplayer mode ALL your units will explode and be destroyed.

View ALL Enemies and Animals:
Enter the code '[maxspy]'

Maximum Raw Materials:
Enter the code '[maxstorage]'

View ALL Deposits:
Enter the code '[maxsurvey]'

Max Out Highlighted Unit:
Enter the code '[maxsuper]'

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D Cheats

Cheat Mode

At the 'Main' menu go to 'Settings' and select the 'Passcodes' option and enter one of the following case sensitive codes (without the quotes) to activate the corresponding effect.

Unlock ALL Bonus Levels:

Unlock Expert Mode:
Enter 'ACE'

Activate Joystick Force Feedback Feature :

Changes Force Feedback control for Joystick:

Control AT-ST:

View FMV Sequences:

Use any ship available in current level:

Unlock Millennium Falcon:

Unlock Imperial Shuttle:
Enter 'RECUER'

Unlock Tie Fighter:

Play ALL Game Music:

Unlimited Lives:

Level Select:

Unlock New Radar Graphics:
Enter 'RADAR'

Unlock ALL Power-Ups:

Lukes face replaced with developer's face:

Lukes face replaced with developer's face:
Enter 'WUTZI' 

Lost Planet 2 Cheats

Unlock Weapons

Complete the indicated tasks to unlock the corresponding weapon.

Unlock Shuriken:
Reach level 30 with rounders.

Unlock Fire Cracker:
Reach level 30 with Femme fatale.

Unlock Shotgun SP:
Reach level 50 with Femme fatale.

Unlock Machine Gun SP:
Have a saved game file from the Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer demo

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas cheats

$250,000, full health and armor - HESOYAM
Infinite Health (no damage from bullets, melee attacks, and fire) - BAGUVIX
Hitman Rank and Perks in All Weapons - PROFESSIONALKILLER
Infinite Ammo - FULLCLIP
Infinite Lung Capacity - CVWKXAM
Jump Higher - KANGAROO
Jump Higher on BMX - CJPHONEHOME
Lower Muscle/Fat Stat - KVGYZQK
Max Fat Stat - BTCDBCB
Max Muscle Stat - BUFFMEUP
Max Respect Stat - WORSHIPME
Max Sex Appeal Stat - HELLOLADIES
Max Stamina - VKYPQCF
Max Vehicle Stats - NATURALTALENT


Weapons 1

(Brass Knuckles, Bat, 9mm, Shotgun, Micro MP5, AK-47, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotovs, Spray Can) -

Weapons 2
(Combat Knife, Desert Eagle, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Tec-9, M4, Sniper Rifle, Flame Thrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher) -

Weapons 3

(Chainsaw, Silenced 9mm, Spaz Shotgun, MP5, M4, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Satchel Charges) -

Vehicle Spawns

Spawn Bloodring Banger - OLDSPEEDDEMON
Spawn Caddy - RZHSUEW
Spawn Dozer - ITSALLBULL
Spawn Hotring Racer #1 - VROCKPOKEY
Spawn Hotring Racer #2 - VPJTQWV
Spawn Hunter - OHDUDE
Spawn Hydra - JUMPJET
Spawn Jetpack - ROCKETMAN
Spawn Monster - MONSTERMASH
Spawn Parachute - AIYPWZQP
Spawn Quadbike - FOURWHEELFUN
Spawn Rancher - JQNTDMH
Spawn Rhino - AIWPRTON
Spawn Stuntplane - FLYINGTOSTUNT
Spawn Tanker - AMOMHRER
Spawn Trashmaster - TRUEGRIME
Spawn Vortex - KGGGDKP

Vehicle Effects

Aggressive Drivers - YLTEICZ
All Black Cars - IOWDLAC
All Cars are Country Vehicles - FVTMNBZ
All Cars Equipped With Nitro - SPEEDFREAK
All Pink Cars - LLQPFBN
Destroy All Cars Onscreen - CPKTNWT
Floating Car After Collision - BUBBLECARS
Flying Boats - FLYINGFISH
Full Weapon Aiming in Vehicles - OUIQDMW
Perfect Handling - STICKLIKEGLUE
Invisible Vehicles - WHEELSONLYPLEASE
Spawn Faster Cars - EVERYONEISRICH
Traffic Lights Always Green - ZEIIVG
Turn Vehicle into Tank - JCNRUAD

Wanted Level

Lock Current Wanted Level - AEZAKMI
Lower Wanted Level - TURNDOWNTHEHEAT
Raise Wanted Level - TURNUPTHEHEAT
Six-star Wanted Level - BRINGITON


Faster Clock - YSOHNUL
Faster Gameplay - SPEEDITUP
Freeze Time at Midnight - NIGHTPROWLER
Orange Sky - OFVIAC
Overcast - ALNSFMZO
Sandstorm - CWJXUOC
Slower Gameplay - SLOWITDOWN


All Elvis Pedestrians - BLUESUEDESHOES
CJ Beach Clothes, Pedestrians Bikinis, Change Traffic - LIFESABEACH
CJ Clown, Pedestrians Workers, Change Traffic - CRAZYTOWN
Pedestrians are Gang Members - ONLYHOMIESALLOWED
CJ Gimp Suit, Pedestrians Prostitutes - BEKKNQV
Katana-wielding Pedestrians and Black Traffic - NINJATOWN
No Pedestrians, and Sparse Traffic - GHOSTTOWN
Only Gang Members on Streets - BIFBUZZ
Pedestrians Attack (cannot be disabled, do not save game) - BAGOWPG
Pedestrians Attack with Weapons (cannot be disabled, do not save game) - BGLUAWML
Pedestrians Carry Weapons - FOOOXFT
Pedestrians Riot (cannot be disabled, do not save game) - AJLOJYQY
Recruit Anyone (with 9mm) - SJMAHPE
Recruit Anyone (with Rockets) - ROCKETMAYHEM


Adrenaline Mode - ANOSEONGLASS

How To: Display The Shutdown Menu When Your Computer’s Power Button Is Pressed

By default, your Windows XP will shut down when the Power button is pressed. It’s a good idea to change it so that the shutdown menu is opened instead, especially if you have little kids running around the house.
It’s quite easy to change it:
Step 1:
Go to your Windows XP’s desktop and right-click it. Select “Properties” and the Display Properties window will appear.
Open the “Screen Saver” tab and look for the “Power” button near the bottom of the window. Click it.
Step 2:
In the “Power Options Properties” window that opens,  go to

A Faster Way To Shut Down And Log Off Your Windows XP

If you’re experiencing slow shutdowns and log offs on your Windows XP, this trick will help you.
Instead of accessing the shutdown menu via Start->Turn Off Computer, open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
Press “Shut Down” at the top of the Task Manager and choose what you want your Windows XP to do:
  • Stand By
  • Hibernate
  • Turn Off
  • Restart
  • Log off
  • Switch User
The task will be performed in a matter of second.

How To Change Your Computer’s Screen Resolution

Normally, a computer’s screen resolution is at its maximum by default, but in some cases, you need to change it manually to get the most out of your computing experience. If you don’t have an exceptionally slow machine, it’s definitely worth the effort.
Here’s how to change your screen resolution:
Go to your Windows XP’s desktop and right click on an empty space. Select “Properties”.
In the “Display Properties” window that appears, navigate to the “Settings” tab on the right.
Move the slider in the bottom-left corner of the window to change your computer’s screen resolution: left for lower resolution, right for higher resolution. Try moving it to the far right for maximum resolution. Press “Apply” and see if everything works.
A dialog box will pop up after your screen adjusts itself. If everything’s OK, press “Yes”.
If your screen looks stretched or has a lot of lag, press “No” or wait 15 seconds to revert to the old settings. Find a resolution that you like.

Introducing Windows8 version for Windows Vista

Have you heard of latest windows version,windows 8????No,right?…   
This is a enhancement for windows vista users to use more functionalities for a windows 7 usual user.Hence this name has been evolved.It is a Microsoft Vista style or theme which makes your desktop look something extra than Windows7.
Windows 8 looks much more beautiful than Windows 7 and has extra ‘graphical user interface‘ and ‘look elements‘ added to it.There is no such Windows version like Windows 8 from Microsoft as of now,but it will be the next generation windows.
You can download Windows8 theme from this link.

Download whole Gmail To your Computer For Offline Use

Gmail is coming up with more and more abilites which has attracted millions of users from other mail accounts like yahoo,msn.They have introduced much extra features through lab features which are presently in testing stage but users can still use it .You can view and enable them from the tab which appears in right most corner of the gmail.
The latest lab feature is the ‘offline gmail’,which ultimately gives the power to download all or selected gmail mails or messages to your pc for the offline use.once you enable ‘Offline Gmail’ from the Labs tab under Settings, you can choose which messages get downloaded. On the Offline tab under Settings, you’ll see your current settings and be able to set how much mail you want to download from each of your labels.
When you hit save, Gmail will synchronize new messages you didn’t have downloaded before and remove the ones you’re not planning to read from your hard drive. You can always change your settings back to keep fewer or more messages later on — fewer messages means Offline Gmail runs faster

Download Advanced Windows7 Themes

Windows 7 is gaining ground these days due to advanced and improved technologies like handwriting recognition,Direct Access,virtual hard disk support,enhanced performance on Multi-core processors,better user account access control,transparent gadgets,raw image viewing etc.Support for extension of themes were also included in windows7.Refer Windows 7 Themes
.Theme packs are cabinet files with an extension of .themepack, and consist of a .theme as well as any number of image, sound, icon, and mouse cursor files .The default theme is WINDOWS AERO,in most editions of windows 7 and windows vista ,giving a translucent feel to borders and margins.Users can still enhance their windows7 theme style by installing third party themes.Refer Windows 7 Dark Themes
.Windows 7 recognizes this file format automatically and will switch the user’s theme to the specified theme.
The best performance of windows7 themes can be viewed only with following minimum hardware requirement.
* a 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
* 1 GB of system memory (512MB sometimes works but not recommended)
* a DirectX 9 compatible graphics processor with a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) driver, Pixel shader 2.0 in hardware, and a minimum of 128 MB of Video RAM
* 32 bits per pixel
* 40 GB hard drive with 15 GB free space
* DVD-ROM Drive

16 Best Free Apps for Mac OS X

Developed by Apple, Mac OS X has offered much promise to users since 2002. Just like its other electronic products, there are many useful free and/or open source apps available for Mac OS X users. This list showcases some of the best ones that are available for download.
Because Microsoft Office is not exactly available to Mac OS X, there is an alternative that actually has more features available to it. Additionally, free is a much better price than the investment MS Office requires.
For the most part, Max OS X is good with extracting archived files, but there are still a few that it does not recognize when it comes fresh out of the box. To fill in the missing gaps, there is the Unarchiver.
This is a robust checklist that serves to subside its namesake. Never worry about whether or not the laundry was picked up.
Not even Windows users enjoy Internet Explorer these days, and the best secure and customizable alternative is Mozilla Firefox, a handy multiplatform Web browser.
With a convenient drag and drop user interface, this is simply the best FTP program from which a Mac OS X user could ultimately benefit.
Those interested in Web site development would greatly benefit from testing it before actually letting it go live. After all, what if there is a fatal syntax error?
Common on operating systems outside of Windows, Transmission makes for an excellent bittorrent client.
This app requires a free account on NewsGator, though once that is out of the way, it will allow for multiple RSS streams in one convenient location.
As the name suggests, this allows for total control over the fans in the Mac. Use this to change the speed when they run too quickly or not quick enough.
10. GIMP
Though not quite as feature-packed as its competitor, the $600 Photoshop, it is the best alternative with many of its own, as well as the ultimate price tag: free.
Photography hobbyists will enjoy a quick and convenient way to mass-upload their works of still art to Flickr, where their work can reach a very wide audience of enthusiasts.
Newer versions of Mac OS X come shipped with iLife, which has GarageBand included. However, for those that do not, there is an equally capable free alternative for recording audio.
13. Adium
When iChat does not suffice, there is Adium. It offers just about any instant messaging system imaginable in it, including AIM, MSN, YIM, ICQ, MySpace IM, Google Talk, Bonjour, Facebook Chat and much more.
Those who do not have an iPhone to use as an alarm may want to try this handy little application, which allows the Mac to function as an effective alarm.
15. VLC
This useful app is the most capable of media players on the Internet. If the format exists, it can probably play it well.
James is an Apple aficionado, tech writer and resident analyst at a leading online printer ink supplier where he comprehensively reviews myriad products such as the popular HP 351 ink cartridge.

10 Best Apps for Linux

The latest Ubuntu release, 10.04 Lucid Lynx, has been available for free Download since the end of April. It allows folks new to Linux to comfortably transition to the free operating system. These apps are must have ones that cater to both the new folks on Ubuntu and the veterans on Fedora and other variants.
  1. AllTray: This application offers a system tray, supporting other apps that come with a minimizing feature. Unlike most others, you can drag and drop applications that do not onto the tray, so that you can easily click the tray to access them.
  2. amaroK:This is a music player built specifically for folks who use Linux, making it a must have for all of its users. This app comes with automatic cover art and the ability to drag and drop songs to a playlist.
  3. Beagle: This app quietly indexes the files you create and modify them, which is especially useful for people who need to search among their many files. For example, it’s helpful if you have a large music library.
  4. Beryl 0.2.1: This gives new Linux users the familiar feel of the Vista interface, effectively mimicking the Windows OS. While you will still be running Linux, it will simply be themed like Vista.
  5. CheckGmail 1.11: If you migrated from the world of Windows to Linux, you will undoubtedly notice that you no longer are able to access your Gmail notifier, which only works on Windows. However, this application fills in the void.
  6. Cinlerra: This application has been cited as being a movie studio in a box, and for good reason; it allows users to essentially create their own movie and edit it once they are done. Capture your movie, composite it, and edit both the video and the audio to top quality.
  7. Deluge 0.5.0: This is a client that allows you to easily Download BitTorrent files without a problem. Share your own files with friends and save the money of those who use their resources on their web hosting and hardware. Even if you have not toyed with a BitTorrent client in a long time, this is a great place to get back into the groove.
  8. Flash: It is difficult for very many people to survive the Internet without the magic known as Flash. Luckily, Flash is available for all Linux users.
  9. GIMP: Rather than dish out the down payment on the fortune that is Photoshop, there is a free alternative: the GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP. This application allows you to author images, composite images and otherwise manipulate the images in ways that Photoshop could only dream of doing.
  10. GnomeBaker:This application is the way Linux users make do when they want to burn their DVDs and CDs. It is an easy to use tool and is perhaps the most popular of all of other alternatives available in the Linux library, and for good reason. It is difficult to go wrong with GnomeBaker.
These are just ten of the literally hundreds of different free applications available in the Linux library, and they are ten of the best.
This post was written by James Adams, a tech writer and commentator based in the UK who works for an online store supplying ink cartridges and franking machine ink for businesses in the UK.

Try it now, amazing - PDF doc can talk

You can listen to any PDF instead of reading with Adobe Reader 7 .0 Or
6.0, and the short cut is:
Ctrl + shift + b - to hear the entire Document
Ctrl + shift + v - to hear the page
Ctrl + shift + c - to resume
Ctrl + shift + e - to stop

3 Easy Ways To Change Start Button Text In Windows XP

One of the most annoying thing in windows XP is the start button text, which almost every user want to change as per my experience. I myself changed my start button text to different funny start button texts.
In order to change the start button text you will need to tweak your windows explorer which is responsible for displaying the text on your start button.
The most traditional way or commonly used way to change the start button text is by using the popular program called Resource Hacker but it is some what more complex and meant for advanced users.
In this post i am going to discuss 2 simple ways to Change the Start Button Text.Let’s see all three ways through which you can change the start button text in Windows XP
The Complex Method ( For Advanced Users)

Change Start Button Text with Resource Hacker

We would suggest please make a system restore so that you can restore back to the previous windows state
1. Firstly download resource hacker from here2. Run Resource Hacker, by double clicking ResHacker.exe and click File--> Open, Locate windows explorer in C:\WINDOWS ( explorer.exe )
3. Now navigate to String Table --> 37 --> 1033 and then change text written in between double quotes in front of 578 from Start to something like GPK and click the button Compile Script
Note: If you are using windows XP classic start menu then you should open String Table --> 38 to edit.
4. Click File --> Save as and set the file name as HackedExplorer.exe in the same directory C:\WINDOWS
5. Now, you need edit the registry. Open Start Menu --> Run, type regedit and press Enter
6. Navigate to the following path
HKEY_Local_Machine -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion –> Winlogon
In the right pane double click key named explorer.exe to HackedExplorer.exe
7. Exit Registry and restart your computer to see the new name in the start button of windows XP.
Above method is not simple as it involves tweaking your windows explorer and then editing the system registry which is can create some serious problems if the procedure is not followed properly.

Simple Method 1 ( For Normal User )

Change Start Button Text with Start Button Caption Renamer

1. Download the utility from here, and double click StartB.exe to run it
2. Enter the name which you want to set in start button and click the button Change Start Button Name
You can revert the default text in start button by clicking the button Change Start Button to Default
Simple Method 2 ( For Normal User )

Change Start Button Text with Start Button Renamer

1. Download Start Button Renamer from here, and install it
2. Run Start Button Renamer and Enter the name you want to set in Start button and click the button Click Here To Rename Start Button to change the name in start button instantly.
Note: Only the first five letter will be seen in the start button and it will be reset when you log off or restart.
Both of these above mentioned simple methods are much safer and easier way to change start button text in windows more faster

Check Username Availability In Famous Website

Many of us will like a username and we wish to have it for all our social networking site as we try to the same username in all email service providers (Yahoo,Gmail,Aol). But we may not able to have same username for all site since someone may choose that username already. Now i got a solution for that, a site where you can see before selecting an username, that username is available in all social networking site.Here is a list of websites where you can check for username availabilty.

List Of Websites:
  1. BallHype
  2. Bambuser
  3. bebo
  5. BlinkList
  7. blippr
  9. Blogger
  10. Blogmarks
  11. blogTV
  12. brightkite
  13. Buzznet
  14. cafemom
  15. claimid
  16. ColourLovers
  17. Corkd
  18. Current
  19. Cyworld
  20. DailyMotion
  21. delicious
  22. deviantART
  23. Digg
  24. diigo
  25. Disqus
  26. Dropjack
  27. eBay
  28. eHow
  29. epinions
  30. Etsy
  31. Facebook
  33. Fanpop
  34. Faves
  35. FFFFound!
  36. Flickr
  37. Flixster
  38. Fotolog
  39. FriendFeed
  40. funnyordie
  41. Gather
  42. Good Reads
  43. Google
  44. GRAZEit
  45. Hexday
  46. hi5
  47. Howcast
  48. Hulu
  49. identica
  50. iLike
  51. iliketotallyloveit
  52. ImageShack
  53. IMEEM
  54. Jaiku
  55. Jamendo
  56. Kaboodle
  57. kwippy
  59. LinkedIn
  60. LiveJournal
  61. Livevideo
  62. mixx
  63. Multiply
  64. myLot
  65. MySpace
  66. Netlog
  67. newsvine
  68. ning
  69. Odeo
  70. photobucket
  72. Picasa
  73. PictureTrail
  74. Plime
  75. Plurk
  77. Posterous
  78. Propeller
  79. Qik
  80. reddit
  81. Rejaw
  82. Revver
  83. ryze
  84. Seesmic
  85. Shelfari
  86. Skyrock
  87. Slide
  88. SlideSix
  89. Snooth
  90. SocialShake
  91. SoundCloud
  93. Sphinn
  94. Squidoo
  95. Steam
  96. StumbleUpon
  97. Technorati
  98. ThisNext
  99. tipd
  100. tipjoy
  101. Todd Hoskins
  102. Tribe
  103. Tripit
  104. tumblr
  105. tweetPhoto
  106. Twitpic
  107. twitter
  108. UStream
  109. Utterli
  110. Viddler
  111. Vimeo
  112. Virb
  114. Vox
  115. Wakoopa
  116. wikipedia
  117. Wordpress
  118. WUAH
  119. Xanga
  120. Xing
  121. Yotify
  122. YouAre
  123. YouTube

Enjoy!! your favorite username same in all site.

How To Hide Partitions Without Using Any Software

Here is a very cool and simple trick to hide any partition of our hard drive on computer. Many times we will think of hiding some confidential data form others.I have shown two easy methods to hide partitions without using any software.

Hide Partitions Using Command Prompt
1. Go to Start-->Run.
2. Type Diskpart and press Enter.
3. In the console type List volume to see all the drives available on your PC.
4. Now select the drive which you want to hide.
Here I have shown how to hide E drive.
5. In My PC it is volume 2 for drive E .
6. Now to hide drive E type Select volume 2 .

7. Then type remove letter e , this will hide your drive.
8. Now to get your drive back type Select volume 2 and then type assign letter e.

Hide Partitions Using Computer Management1. Right click My Computer.
2. Click Manage or press letter G.
3. This will open Computer Management.4. Under Storage, select Disk Management.
5. Right click on the drive which you wish to hide.
6. Select Change drive letters and paths...

7. Click Remove
8. Now can find your partition will be hidden.
9. To get back the partition Computer Management-->Select drive--> Change drive      letters and paths
10. Now select Add option.
11. In that Assign the following drive letter.
12. Select ok.

Top 10 Most Deadly Computer Virus In The World

A computer virus can cause a lot of destructive damage. VIRUS is an acronym which stands for Vital Information Resources Under Siege. Viruses are sometimes confused with worms and Trojan horses, which are technically different. So, I recommend you to read this article Difference Between a Virus, Trojan Horse and Worm. You just imagine how big organizations, governments, schools,businesses and IT sector were affected when certain viruses attacked their systems.

Computer Virus creates lots of problem in an organization which would result in millions, even billions of dollars in damages and losses. Though not all of these malicious computer programs are massively destructive, there are still some that have caused a lot of damage.Checkout, 6 Techniques used by malware composers to know more about malwares. Here are the top 10 most destructive computer viruses of all time.

1. Bagle
Bagle was detected in 2004, it infected users through an email attachment, and also used email to spread itself. Bagle did not rely on the MS Outlook contact list to make a list of where to send itself. It harvested email addresses from various document files stored in the infected computer – from plain-text files to MS Excel files. The danger of this virus was that its design opened a backdoor where a remote user could gain access and control of the infected computer. It could download additional components to either spy and steal information from the user or launch DDoS attacks to certain networks and computers.

2. Melissa
Melissa virus was made in 1999 by David L. Smith, created with Basic program, exactly with Microsoft Word macros. The Melissa virus was mass-mailing malware that was said to have infected up to 20 percent of computers worldwide. This virus spreads via email with the document “Here is That document you asked for, do not show it to anybodey else”. When this file will be opened or clicked it will automatically run the virus replication and automatically send a pass up to the top 50 in the address book of an email. Email servers around the world were forced to shut down in order to prevent the virus from spreading, as well as to remove the virus from their system.Smith was jailed 20 months and fined $ 5,000 and prohibited from accessing the computer without supervision.

3. Sasser
Creator by 17 year old German student, Sven Jaschan in 2004. Sasser attack Microsoft Windows. Sasser does not spread via email. The virus is usually spread through the network. It infected computers by exploiting vulnerability present in both Windows 2000 and Windows XP machines, known as the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) exploit. This will create a computer virus could not be shutdown without unplug the power. Jaschan Finally caught but he’s not jail, was only given probation 1 year 9 months, because at that time still under the age of 18.

4. ILOVEYOU a.k.a. Lovebug/Loveletter Virus
This virus started spreading in the Philippines, these virus classified as worm, which has the ability to do her own replication. Creator Onel de Guzman was from the Philippines. ILOVEYOU spread via email, with the title “love letters” from a secret admirer. Once opened, it loaded itself to the memory, infecting executable files. When a user received and opened the email containing the attachment “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs”, the computer became automatically infected. It then spread itself by infecting *.exe,*.jpg,*.mp3 files. After that, the virus sent itself to others by looking up the addresses contained in the MS Outlook contact list. The virus was written by a Filipino programmer who was still a college student at that time. He said the release of the virus was only “accidental.” This virus spread throughout the world in just a day, infecting computers of large corporations and governments, including the Pentagon in the United States. It caused billions of dollars in damages. The actual “damage” occurred during the removal of the infection from computers, as email servers and computer networks had to be shut down before the virus could be removed.His original file LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT. vbs.

5. MyDome
MyDome virus was detected in 2004. This virus is making a backdoor on the OS. Computer was first known attack on first February by doing DDoS. Then reported back to attack on the 12th of Feb, after that the virus stopped spreading and start creating backdoors. MyDoom spreads via email. MyDoom slowed down global Internet access by ten percent, and caused some website access to be reduced by 50%.

6. Leap-A/Oompa- A
Mac that has a concept of security through obscurity, Mac believe thea system can’t be infected by a virus of cause of the OS system is a closed. But in the year 2006, Leap-A virus or commonly known as Oompa-A appears and spreads via iChat on the Mac. Having a Mac attack, the virus will search for contacts via iChat and send messages to each contact. The message will contain a form of corrupt JPEG file. It’s not dangerous, but this proved that the Mac OS systems are not immune to the virus.

7. SQL Slammer
Appeared in January in the year 2003, spread quickly via the Internet. It caused a considerable amount of damage, though, by overwhelming routers, causing them to shut down. The target of this virus was web servers running a vulnerable version of Microsoft SQL Server. Upon infection of a server, the virus generated random IP addresses through which it attempted to further infect other computers.This virus has also been a U.S. Bank ATMs crash, the collapse of Seattle’s 911 service, and Continental Airlines.

8. Nimda
Reported attacks in 2001, call Nimda taken from opposite the word “Admin”. With its multi-pronged attack, Nimda appears to be the most troublesome virus of its type that has yet appeared. Its name (backwards for "admin") apparently refers to an "admin.DLL" file that, when run, continues to propagate the virus.These viruses spread very quickly, according to TruSecure CTO Peter Tippett, Nimda only takes 22 minutes to make the Top Ten Virus at the time. The main target of this virus is Internet servers, Nimda spread through Internet network by creating a backdoor into the OS.

9. Code Red
The world had not yet recovered from the damage caused by the ILOVEYOU virus when Code Red was released in simmer 2001.Code red virus attacks only Windows 2000 & NT OS. This virus will create a buffer becomes full so make the memory becomes full. Once a computer was compromised by the virus, it would modify the handled website, displaying the message “Welcome to! Hacked by Chinese!” Then, it would later seek other computers running the web server software and do the same thing. After about two weeks of infection, the virus was programmed to launch DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks on certain websites, including the server of the White House.

10. The Klez
This virus was first known infected on 2001, this virus spreads via email by conducting continuous replication, and sent to all email addresses in the victim’s address book. This virus makes the victim computer becomes very slow and can also turn off the antivirus application.

Grand Theft Auto 2 Cheats - PC Cheat Codes

Cheat Code Effect
elvis is here
increase brutality
get all towns
all weapons
weapons and ammunition
no police presence
all weapons
get the first 2 cities
all weapons, levels and invincibility
extra $500,000
get all bonus levels
display coordinates

Sim City 3000 Cheats - PC Cheat Codes

BEFORE you enter these cheats press and hold CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+C during game play.

Cheat Code Effect
call cousin Vinnie
i am weak
let's make a deal
power to the masses
salt off
salt on
the birds
traffic lights
water in the desert
get $250,000 from Vinnie
any construction costs $0
get offers of deals from your neighbours
get access to all power plants
turns the sea into fresh water
turns the sea back to salt water
birds fly over your city
stops traffic building up
get all water utilities/buidings

GTA Vice City Cheats including codes for all weapons and wanted level down

Cheat Code Effect


every light weapon
every medium weapons
heavy weapons
full armour
commit suicide
wanted level up
wanted level down
ladies man
smoke cigarette
fattens Tommy
Tommy gets girls arms/legs
alter skin/clothes
character Ricardo Diaz
character Lance Vance
character Ken Rosenberg
character Hilary King
character Love Fist (Jezz Torent)
characterLove Fist (Dick)
characterPhil Cassidy
character Sonny Forelli
character Mercedes
spawn rhino
spawn bloodring banger
spawn bloodring banger #2
spawn sabre turbo
spawn hotring racer
spawn hotring racer #2
spawn romero's hearse
spawn love fist's limo
spawn trashmaster
blow up nearby cars
drivers get aggresive
turns all cars pink
turns all cars black
cars fly
cars handle perfectly
traffic lights on green
Cars can drive/hover over water
Only the wheels of a car are visible
Sportscars have big wheels
Sunny/Clear Weather
Light Clouds
Dense Clouds
Foggy Weather
Stormy Weather
Speed up game clock
Makes everything faster
Makes everything slower
Peds Riot
Peds Hate You
Peds Carry Guns
Girls Carry Guns
Shows Media Level (when 2+ stars)

Hiding The My Computer Icon

If you find the My Computer icon a pest and you want to remove it, there is actually no way to remove it. There is a registry hack which we don't recommend at all. OK, lets make it a deal. If we can't remove it, why not try our best to hide it? At least it is a better than none.
First of all, we need to create a an "invisible" icon. Go to our icon creating guide. Just make the whole image blank. Now, right-click the desktop and select Properties. Click on the Effects tab (or the Plus! tab if you are using Windows 95 with Plus! installed). Point the icon path to the blank icon. Apply changes and now you have a blank My Computer icon.
Now for the next problem - the name. Windows won't except blank space as a full filename. We need a filename that looks like an empty space but it is not to trick Windows. Hold down your Alt and type 0160 on the numeric keypad.
Now we have a fully invisible My Computer icon. The final step - to keep it out of reach. Put it in a place where you will never click at all. Put it on maybe the edge of the desktop or somewhere better. Have fun!

Windows 98 Shortcut keys

Open an Explorer window
Open the Run dialog
Open the System Properties
Find: All Files
Find: Computer
Minimize all open windows
Show/Hide Desktop
Undo minimize all open windows
Cycle through taskbar program buttons
Open Windows Help

Screen Capture or Print Screen

While many people are well familiar with "taking a screen-shot of your PC", some others might wonder what it is. On an Windows PC, the "Print Screen" feature can either capture the entire screen of your PC, or an individual window. This is a simple but very helpful tip. Once you know about it, you will find it very useful in many situations, i.e. when you need to show a tech-support person an error alert on your screen, or a sample screen of an application software...
The following instructions will show you how to capture a screen shot of your entire desktop or an individual window. On most standard keyboards, the print screen button is often identified as "Print Scrn".

To capture a screen shot of your entire desktop:
  1. Hit "Print Screen" key on your keyboard (or "Print Scrn").
  2. Open an image editor (i.e. Photoshop, Paintshop, or the Windows built-in "Paint").
  3. Press Ctrl-V to paste the image and save the file as your favorite picture format (i.e. *.JPG).
To capture a screen shot of an individual window, a popup, or an error dialog:
  1. Make sure the window or popup which you want to capture is active (on the very front of your screen).
  2. Hold the "Alt" button and press "Print Screen" key on your keyboard (or "Print Scrn").
  3. Open an image editor and press Ctrl-V to paste the image and save the file as your favorite picture format (i.e. *.JPG).

Hard Drive Cleanup

Hard Drive Cleanup

Wonder why your computer is getting so slow lately? Most often, it's just your hard drive is getting full or carying too many junk files. Most of these files are temporary files and perfectly safe to be deleted. Cleaning up your hard drive every once in awhile will improve your PC performance.
You might wonder: Why Windows keeps those files if they're not necessary? "Temporary Internet Files", for example, everytime you browse to a webpage, your web browser requests the contents from the host, saves them locally as cache, then displays the contents to your browser window. Now, to speed up the access time when you come back to the same page, your web browser might re-use those cache files if they're not changed from the webpage.
"Temporary Internet Files" are just one example of the temporary files you can clean up. Follow the steps below to clean up other temporary sources as well.
Most likely, temporary files are stored in the Operating System drive ("C Drive"), but it doesn't hurt to do a cleanup all of your hard drives every once in awhile.
Use this trick at your own risks
  1. Launch the Disk Cleanup utility by either:
    - "Start" >> "Programs" >> "Accessories" >> "System Tools" >> "Disk Cleanup", or:
    - "Start" >> "Run", enter "cleanmgr" then press Enter.
  2. Select the disk you want to clean up from the drop-down box (i.e. "Local Disk C") and click "OK":
  3. Windows will calculate the space on your selected hard drive. This might take a few minutes depening on the size of your hard drive:
  4. Once Windows is done with the calculation, Disk Cleanup Utility displays. Here you can select which temporary sources you want to clean up (under "Files to delete"). It doesn't hurt if you select them all when you really need some spaces on your hard drive. Notice the usage size on some of these sources may be very big
  5. Click "OK" after your selections, then click "Yes" on the prompt.
  6. Disk Cleanup Utility starts to clean up your hard drive. This might take a long time depending on the current usage level of your hard drive. During the cleanup process, your computer might be very slow, so go watch a TV show or something. After cleaning up your hard disks, perform a disk defragmentation could really help your pc run faster.

Basic Shortcut Keys

The followings are some basic PC shortcut keys that are supported in most IBM compatible computers. They are also supported in most application software.
Use at your own risk.

Shortcut Keys Supported Window Versions Description
Alt + e 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Pull down the top Edit menu.
Alt + f 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Pull down the top File menu
Ctrl + a 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Select all text.
Ctrl + c 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Copy selected item(s) (to clipboard).
Ctrl + f 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Find.
Ctrl + v 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Paste copied item(s) from clipboard
Ctrl + x 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Cut.
Ctrl + Ins 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Same as Ctrl + c
Ctrl + (left arrow) 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Move one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + (right arrow) 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Move one word to the right at a time.
Shift + Ins 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Same as Ctrl + v
Shift + Delelte (or Del) 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Cut. Or permanently delete selected item(s) on Windows Explorer.
F1 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Help.
Home 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Jump to the beginning of the line or page.
Ctrl + Home 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Jump to the beginning of the document or page.
End 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Jump to the end of the line or page.
Ctrl + End 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista ump to the end of the document or page.
Shift + Home 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Set selection (highlight) from current position to beginning of the line or page.
Shift + End 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Set selection (highlight) from current position to end of the line or page.
Shift + (left arrow) 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Set selection (highlight) from current position to the left, one character at a time.
Shift + (right arrow) 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Set selection (highlight) from current position to the right, one character at a time.
Shift + (down arrow) 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Set selection (highlight) from current position to the next line down.
Shift + (up arrow) 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Set selection (highlight) from current position to the next line up.

Microsoft Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys

The followings are short-cuts for Microsoft Internet Explorer. Some keys are version specific

Use at your own risk.
Mouse shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Double-click (On a word) Select the word.
Triple-click Select entire line.
Wheel click Activate the Smooth scrolling
Hold Ctrl + Scroll Wheel forward Increase font size
Hold Ctrl + Scroll Wheel backward Decrease font size
Click one point then hold Shift & click another Create a selection from the two points

Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Description
F1 Help.
F3 Toggle on/off search panel.
F4 Pull down address bar.
F5 Refresh current page.
F6 Move focus to address bar.
F11 Toggle on/off full-screen mode
Alt + (Left Arrow) Go back on history. Same pas Backspace
Alt + (Right Arrow) Go forward on history.
Ctrl + A Select All.
Ctrl + B Favorites.
Ctrl + C Copy Selected.
Ctrl + E Search panel.
Ctrl + F Find (on page).
Ctrl + H Toggle History panel.
Ctrl + I Toggle Favorites panel.
Ctrl + L Open File. Same as Ctrl + O
Ctrl + N Open New browser window.
Ctrl + P Print current page / frame.
Ctrl + R Refresh. Same as F5
Esc Stop (while page is loading).
Ctrl + Enter Auto complete a url address. For example, type thecomputricks in the address bar and press CTRL + ENTER to get
Ctrl + D Add the current page to favorite