Sunday, June 27, 2010

10 Best Apps for Linux

The latest Ubuntu release, 10.04 Lucid Lynx, has been available for free Download since the end of April. It allows folks new to Linux to comfortably transition to the free operating system. These apps are must have ones that cater to both the new folks on Ubuntu and the veterans on Fedora and other variants.
  1. AllTray: This application offers a system tray, supporting other apps that come with a minimizing feature. Unlike most others, you can drag and drop applications that do not onto the tray, so that you can easily click the tray to access them.
  2. amaroK:This is a music player built specifically for folks who use Linux, making it a must have for all of its users. This app comes with automatic cover art and the ability to drag and drop songs to a playlist.
  3. Beagle: This app quietly indexes the files you create and modify them, which is especially useful for people who need to search among their many files. For example, it’s helpful if you have a large music library.
  4. Beryl 0.2.1: This gives new Linux users the familiar feel of the Vista interface, effectively mimicking the Windows OS. While you will still be running Linux, it will simply be themed like Vista.
  5. CheckGmail 1.11: If you migrated from the world of Windows to Linux, you will undoubtedly notice that you no longer are able to access your Gmail notifier, which only works on Windows. However, this application fills in the void.
  6. Cinlerra: This application has been cited as being a movie studio in a box, and for good reason; it allows users to essentially create their own movie and edit it once they are done. Capture your movie, composite it, and edit both the video and the audio to top quality.
  7. Deluge 0.5.0: This is a client that allows you to easily Download BitTorrent files without a problem. Share your own files with friends and save the money of those who use their resources on their web hosting and hardware. Even if you have not toyed with a BitTorrent client in a long time, this is a great place to get back into the groove.
  8. Flash: It is difficult for very many people to survive the Internet without the magic known as Flash. Luckily, Flash is available for all Linux users.
  9. GIMP: Rather than dish out the down payment on the fortune that is Photoshop, there is a free alternative: the GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP. This application allows you to author images, composite images and otherwise manipulate the images in ways that Photoshop could only dream of doing.
  10. GnomeBaker:This application is the way Linux users make do when they want to burn their DVDs and CDs. It is an easy to use tool and is perhaps the most popular of all of other alternatives available in the Linux library, and for good reason. It is difficult to go wrong with GnomeBaker.
These are just ten of the literally hundreds of different free applications available in the Linux library, and they are ten of the best.
This post was written by James Adams, a tech writer and commentator based in the UK who works for an online store supplying ink cartridges and franking machine ink for businesses in the UK.

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