Monday, July 12, 2010

Protect Computer From Virus

Lots of article has been written for the removal of virus from computers. Some times we don’t know how our computer get infected from virus, Maybe from surfing porn’s or downloading some software, already infected or opening mail attachments or maybe while plugging in a flash drive and opening it without scanning with an antivirus. Topic of big debate is which antivirus is 100% perfect. I don’t want to go in this debate all are good, but when we get infected and these antivirus are not capable of cleaning them, then what will I say you know better. But there is a point, updates for latest virus demands some time and in meanwhile these virus completes their work. These virus are very naughty, not all, some get cleaned very easily, but new generation of virus will shake you from top to bottom if your computer get infected.
Suppose we have antivirus installed on our computer, besides of that we get infected, speed of the computer dies, false warning of spywares from the right corner of the task bar, illegal shutdown and many more symptoms like these. You search on internet contact your friends for removal, maybe someone advises you for another antivirus and you will keep slapping your head when this advised antivirus does not install. You may get this message “Your computer seems to be infected first clean all the infections then proceed with the installation”.
Now what you will do, are you thinking of reformatting, I personally do not think reformatting or re installation is the solution of every problem, maybe you think otherwise, anyway, there is a solution for this. Many antivirus helps you in creating a boot disk with updated virus definitions, but some of us never create such disk, which is so helpful. These disks can clean your computer if your antivirus is disabled due to infection or not working properly. If you don’t have one never mind see the download page on top you will find an Emergency disc download it, and burn it with Nero. It is a Nero image file updated. I generally create these disks after every 15 days you will find new one around 20 of this month and so on. So download it and burn it on a blank disc. Put this disk in your computer’s CD/DVD drive and simply restart your computer (Please remember to set your bios to boot from CD and be sure CD as first boot device).
Now sit back and watch your computer, it will restart and will proceed like as booting normally, but before welcome screen it will halt for some time, then starts  scanning and removal process. It generally takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete, but if you have a lot of data on hard disk, then it may take more time. The only drawback of this disc is it does not ask to repair or anything like that if repairable it repairs, otherwise deletes the infected file. After the completion of this step, your computer will restart again and your will get a fresh non-infected computer.

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