Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Modem TroubleShooting

-Modems like everything else do go nuts on you. For the most part the troubles are just with the software driver or just invalid settings. There is also a chance that another device is conflicting with the modem you have. For some reason my mouse has come into this picture before causing problems. If you are experiencing a problem with your modem such as conflicts with resources, try changing COM ports. This can fix your problem in most cases. If this doesn't help or you think that your modem is software related, reinstall the modem's driver. This can be done with the software that came with the modem.

-Change Com Ports-
  1. At start menu click settings
  2. Click control panel
  3. click modem's
  4. highlight your modem and then click properties
  5. select a unused COM port for the modem and hit OK
-If you are having problems with dialing your internet provide check and make sure the properties are correct in your dial up networking.
  1. At start menu
  2. click programs
  3. click accessories
  4. click communications or dial up networking
-This varies from windows 95 and 98. If lost go to settings>control panel> dial up networking.

      5.  Double click your ISP (internet service provider) connection. Verify all information on the tabs is correct with your ISP.

This seems to be the most common problem when connecting to the internet. It usually is a IP number that is wrong or not added. You may have your login name wrong or password.

-If you are having problems with a faulty driver or just plain don't have one. You can reinstall or install one this way. There are other methods that are easier. Try using the installation disk first. If this don't work then do it manually.
  1. At start menu click settings
  2. Click control panel
  3. click system
  4. click device tab
  5. click on your modem in the list
  6. click for properties of the modem
  7. click update drive or a driver tab
  8. have installation disk ready let it search for the driver and reinstall it for you.

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